Why Zinc Matters for Men’s Health (Top 9 Benefits)

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Zinc is an essential mineral crucial to a healthy, functioning body. It’s a common dietary supplement, ensuring people get enough zinc if their diet is lacking.

For men, zinc may boost testosterone, regulate metabolism, prevent prostate health problems, support immune function, and more.

Keep reading to learn more about the evidence-based benefits of zinc. Or check out our quality zinc supplement!

1. Boosts Testosterone

Zinc supplementation may boost serum testosterone levels, particularly in men with atypically low T levels.

Scientific evidence points to a positive correlation between zinc and testosterone levels.

Zinc deficiency has been associated with hypogonadism, which means the testes are not producing normal amounts of testosterone. 

A 2020 study showed promise in increasing clinically low T levels over 4 months of zinc supplementation.

Read more: Boost Testosterone Naturally

2. Improves Libido

Zinc may improve libido, also called sex drive. Decreased libido impacts a lot of men, leading to compounded mental health issues. One way zinc helps libido is by boosting testosterone, as discussed above.

Also, zinc fights oxidative stress and harmful inflammation, which can decrease libido and cause erectile dysfunction.

A recent study showed that zinc supplementation “significantly improved sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, [and] satisfaction” — though this research was performed on postmenopausal women with low zinc levels. However, similar results should be expected in men with low zinc levels.

3. Boosts Immune System

Supplementing zinc may boost your immune system; in my experience, everyone could use some additional immune support. Males, for example, have weaker immune antibody responses than females.

Zinc deficiency is associated with:

  • Decreased immune response
  • Increased infection rate
  • More allergies
  • More whole-body inflammation
  • Higher chance of autoimmune disease
  • Higher risk of certain cancers

Since zinc deficiency was discovered and defined in the 1960s, researchers and doctors quickly realized zinc’s importance to the immune system and T-cells. In the intervening 60 years, research has shown how zinc directly supports immune cell function.

4. Supports Prostate Health

Healthy zinc levels may help men’s prostate health in multiple ways. 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer (the 2nd most common cancer in men), so it’s essential to support your prostate health in every way.

According to an older study, “a growing body of experimental evidence supports that high zinc levels are essential for prostate health.” That body of evidence has only gotten stronger.

Zinc helps retain enough citrate levels for a healthy prostate. Also, zinc deficiencies are more prevalent in men with prostate cancer compared with men without prostate cancer.

Low zinc levels may lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is a common precursor to prostate cancer.

5. Increases Muscle Strength

Males have greater muscle mass in total and as a ratio compared to women. However, various factors can reduce muscle strength, performance, and total mass.

Zinc is a great way to increase muscle mass, mainly due to the role of zinc in testosterone levels and protein synthesis. Zinc deficiency is linked to decreased muscle growth and work capacity.

Skeletal muscle depends on healthy zinc levels. Zinc is instrumental in skeletal muscle formation and regeneration.

Zinc intake is associated with greater muscle strength and mass, particularly in adolescents.

6. Improves Exercise Endurance

Zinc supplements may improve men’s exercise performance and endurance. Zinc likely achieves this benefit through its pro-testosterone, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Athletes may have lower levels of zinc even if they consume more. Therefore, people who engage in more physical activity likely need more zinc through diet and supplements.

A low amount of zinc in your body may lead to less endurance and more fatigue. High levels of zinc supported healthy heart function during exercise, according to an animal study.

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7. Maintains Hair Growth

More than 8 in 10 men experience significant hair loss in their lifetime. Fortunately, supplements such as zinc may support healthy hair growth and maintenance.

Zinc helps maintain healthy hair growth through multiple properties:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Repairing DNA
  • Boosting immune function

Hair loss may be prevented or treated with zinc, particularly for men with low zinc levels.

8. Promotes Fertility

Zinc is essential for male fertility — as well as female fertility, if you’re wondering.

A 2018 scientific review says that zinc could be essential to the “prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of male infertility.”

Zinc deficiency may cause sperm abnormalities and low testosterone.

Zinc influences sex hormones, prostate, inflammation, and sexual function — not to mention it is an antibacterial that helps keep men’s reproductive organs internally clean. All of these zinc benefits contribute to healthy male fertility.

Read more: Are Phytoestrogens Safe for Men?

9. Grows and Repairs DNA

Zinc is an essential mineral that aids in DNA growth and repair, making zinc vital to ulcer and wound healing.

Essential to multiple proteins, zinc helps repair damaged DNA and fights oxidative stress that can slow DNA repair. Zinc deficiency is associated with increased DNA damage.

This zinc benefit and others combine to support healthy eye function and prevent vision diseases such as age-related macular degeneration.

Recommended Zinc Dosage for Men

Men’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) for zinc is 11 mg/day. (For women, RDA is 8 mg of zinc/day.)

Talk to a functional healthcare provider about taking 15-30 mg of zinc per day for optimal health benefits.

Do not take more than 40 mg/day of zinc long-term, unless you’re told to by your medical provider for a specific reason, or you may experience adverse effects and waste valuable zinc supplements. Zinc toxicity side effects may harm the kidneys, increase risk factors for copper deficiency, and cause digestive distress.

Below are factors that might require adjustments in zinc intake:

  • Older age
  • Dietary restrictions
  • Digestive issues
  • Other health conditions

Zinc can interact with antibiotics, penicillamine, and diuretics, affecting these medications’ efficacy. Talk to your doctor before taking any new supplement.

Food Sources of Zinc

To optimize zinc intake from natural sources, prioritize these foods in your diet:

  • Oysters
  • Red meat
  • Poultry, especially dark meat
  • Shellfish
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains, such as oats
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Legumes
  • Fortified cereals

Below are some practical dietary tips:

  • Diversify your diet: Incorporate a variety of zinc-rich foods to cover the spectrum of nutritional needs.
  • Consider bioavailability: Animal sources of zinc have higher bioavailability than plant sources. 
  • Adjust for restrictive diets: Vegetarians and vegans might need to consume higher amounts of zinc-rich plant foods.
  • Research different cooking methods: Some cooking methods, like boiling, can cause zinc to leach into the water. Opt for grilling, baking, or steaming to retain zinc content.
  • Soak and sprout: For plant-based zinc sources like legumes and grains, soaking or sprouting can reduce phytate content, which would inhibit zinc absorption.
  • Supplement wisely: Most people don’t get enough zinc in their diet. Consult with your doctor about how helpful a zinc supplement would be.

How to Choose a Quality Zinc Supplement

Below are the best tips on choosing a high-quality zinc supplement:

  • Compare the different forms. There’s a variety of topical and oral zinc supplements available: pills, liquids, sprays, lozenges, and powders. Compare the price and the bioavailability as well. For example, zinc lozenges are best for common cold symptoms.
  • Check for quality sourcing. Aim for ingredients sourced outside China, where regulations are more relaxed on the quality and ethics of ingredient sourcing.
  • Choose the best zinc compound. Zinc comes in many forms — zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, zinc picolinate, etc. In general, these are the same in terms of how they impact health, although some have been studied more or less.
  • Consider additional ingredients. Many supplements will combine multivitamins and trace minerals with healthful herbs and compounds. Magnesium is commonly combined with zinc. Research each ingredient.
  • Care about the company. Get a zinc supplement from a company or a clinic you trust.


What are the signs of a zinc deficiency?

The signs of a zinc deficiency include:

  • Inflammation
  • Hair loss
  • Vision problems
  • Higher rate of infections
  • Open sores on the skin
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Digestive pain
  • Sexual dysfunction

Does zinc boost testosterone?

Yes, zinc boosts testosterone in men. It even regulates healthy testosterone levels in women.

Can zinc help treat erectile dysfunction?

Yes, zinc can help treat erectile dysfunction caused by multiple health conditions, including low testosterone and toxin exposure.

Integrating Zinc Into Your Men’s Health Regimen

It is estimated that 2 billion people worldwide are at risk of zinc deficiency-related diseases. It’s crucial to get enough zinc through diet and supplementation.

The health effects of zinc supplementation are as follows:

  • Boosts testosterone
  • Improves libido
  • Boosts immune system
  • Supports prostate health
  • Increases muscle strength
  • Improves exercise endurance
  • Maintains healthy hair growth
  • Promotes fertility
  • Grows and repairs cells

Consult your healthcare provider about customizing your zinc intake to match your unique health needs and goals.

Try our high-quality zinc supplement to take control of your health and wellness.


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