13 Evidence-Based Testosterone Boosters

13 Evidence-Based Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone supplements offer a way to boost testosterone production without the need for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Below, we’ve included the best ingredients to look for in dietary supplements to increase T levels. Always talk to your healthcare provider about starting a new supplement regimen. The below recommendations do not constitute medical advice. We highly…

The Stigma of Men’s Mental Health (Statistics and Support)

The Stigma of Men’s Mental Health (Statistics and Support)

Men have mental health struggles. And that’s okay. Males are more likely than females to experience addiction, suicide attempts resulting in death, and stigma that discourages them from seeking treatment. “Man up,” someone might have told you. “Boys don’t cry.” I have treated many men experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, thoughts of suicide,…

subclinical hypothyroidism

What Is Subclinical Hypothyroidism? Symptoms & Natural Treatments

Subclinical hypothyroidism means you have normal T3 and T4 hormone levels but high TSH levels (thyroid-stimulating hormone). Physicians may refer to this as mild thyroid failure.  It may cause mild hypothyroidism symptoms, but is usually asymptomatic and diagnosed by thyroid blood tests. It’s possible, and even normal, to have subclinical hypothyroidism and never know it.…

Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic condition that causes bladder pain, bladder pressure, pelvic pain, and urinary urgency. Symptom intensity and duration can vary depending on the level of inflammation in the bladder wall. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the Interstitial Cystitis Association, this autoimmune disease is…

interstitial cystitis diet

Interstitial Cystitis Diet: What to Eat & What to Avoid

No one knows exactly what causes interstitial cystitis, but inflammation certainly plays a role. (Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder.) Autoimmunity, injuries or surgeries, infection, and cross-talk with other pelvic organs may all contribute to inflammatory IC as well. An interstitial cystitis diet is one of the primary ways patients can control inflammation and, thus,…
