Women’s Health

Hormones and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?
Hormones and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?

Anxiety disorders, ranging from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) to panic disorders, are a common problem. They are likely to affect 31% of adults over the course of their lives, impacting the mental wellness of millions of people. Anxiety disorders can cause heightened levels of anxiety and even panic attacks that make everyday life difficult. The…

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Can a Hormone Imbalance Cause Depression?
Can a Hormone Imbalance Cause Depression?

Yes, a hormone imbalance can cause depression and other mental health disorders. There are many underlying causes of hormonal changes and different ways depression can present. Despite this, it is possible to find relief. Hormones are chemical messengers produced in your body’s endocrine system, which regulate various bodily processes, including metabolism, sleep, and mood. Your…

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MTHFR Gene Mutation
What Is an MTHFR Gene Mutation?

An MTHFR gene mutation is an inherited variation of the MTHFR gene, which may lead to pregnancy and birth complications. Nothing can cause your MTHFR gene to mutate. You simply inherit it from your mother and/or father. This condition is fairly common. In the US, this mutation is found in about 25 percent of people…

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