Jennifer Thompson

ibs medication
IBS Medications [+ Future & Alternative Treatments]

Over-the-Counter & Prescription IBS Medications Can IBS be treated with medication? Yes, several different medications can be for treating IBS. Even if more natural methods (like diet and lifestyle changes) avoid side effects and unnecessary man-made chemicals, there are over 100 IBS medications. What type of medication is used for IBS? The types of medications…

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How to Naturally Treat Hypothyroidism
How to Naturally Treat Hypothyroidism

Approximately 15 million U.S. residents live with hypothyroidism, which is characterized by an underactive thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is also common, but has the opposite effect, making more than enough thyroid hormone and disrupting thyroid function. Symptoms of thyroid disease can encompass a wide range, including dry skin, increased body weight, impaired memory, elevated blood pressure,…

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sibo test
What is the SIBO Test: How To Prepare & Next Steps

A SIBO test is a non-invasive hydrogen breath test. It’s the primary diagnostic test for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), a complex disorder of the digestive system. SIBO is linked to multiple causes, making diagnosing and treating it difficult.  SIBO affects millions of people, many are unaware of the disorder. Living with the side effects…

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Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? 13 Factors To Consider
Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? 13 Factors To Consider

Starting a family is a profoundly personal journey, and facing a negative pregnancy test can be emotionally challenging. Unexplained infertility can feel even more disheartening. The World Health Organization defines infertility as the inability to conceive after 12 months (or 6 months if you’re over 35) of unprotected sex. One in 6 couples experience an…

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12 Reasons You Can’t Sleep When You’re Tired
12 Reasons You Can’t Sleep When You’re Tired

Could something be wrong with me if I’m always tired but can’t sleep? There could be something wrong with you if you’re always tired but can’t sleep. There may be a sleep disorder at play, or your circadian rhythm is off. Your lifestyle and sleep hygiene matter, too. It’s important to take a whole-body approach…

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Birth control and mood swings
Birth Control & Mood Swings: What You Need to Know

Any changes to your hormones can affect your mood. That includes natural changes during your menstrual cycle and changes caused by hormonal birth control. Does birth control increase mood swings? Birth control can increase mood swings, particularly in anyone with a history of depressive symptoms. Others may report a more balanced mood on certain types…

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15 Ways to Balance your Hormones
15 Ways to Balance Your Hormones

A hormonal imbalance happens when your body has too much or too little of a specific type of hormone. This can affect every aspect of your overall health, from your gut health to your emotional well-being.  Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options for those wondering how to balance hormones and put a stop…

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Take a Break From Food Guilt During the Holidays
Take a Break From Food Guilt During the Holidays

Negative feelings about the things you eat — or want to eat — during the holidays are nothing new. This is the time of year when you’re not only surrounded by cravings for your favorite treats, but reminders that overindulging on those treats will ruin January.  The thing is, there shouldn’t be any shame in spending time…

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Hormones and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?
Hormones and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?

Anxiety disorders, ranging from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) to panic disorders, are a common problem. They are likely to affect 31% of adults over the course of their lives, impacting the mental wellness of millions of people. Anxiety disorders can cause heightened levels of anxiety and even panic attacks that make everyday life difficult. The…

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